Are you wasting your time practicing?

Are you wasting your time practicing?

If you go into your practice sessions without a clear goal in mind, you are wasting your time!!!
Defining your goal as “singing better” is not enough; it is too broad and too generalized. For every single exercise you do, you should have a single, specific goal in mind. Your goal could include any of the following:  
  • Opening the mouth without tensing
  • Making sure you keep your connection as you ascend
  • Relaxing the suprahyoids
  • Finding a particular type of resonance
  • Maintaining a certain dynamic intensity in a particular range (say your first bridge)
  • Sustaining notes at a forte dynamic with vibrato
  • Intonation
  • Phrasing
  • etc.
  It can be any of these goals. Whatever the goal you choose, make sure it is something specific to YOUR vocal needs. Also, don’t try to focus on multiple goals at once; you will only dilute your efforts by doing so.

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